GE Telephone 16258160 User Manual

4. To change the dialing mode, press the 5or 6button. The display will  
alternate between the two dialing modes.  
5. Press the options button to store the dialing mode and return to the T/P  
DIAL MODE display.  
Connecting the Telephone Line  
Caller ID Display Messages  
Hearing Aid Compatibility (HAC)  
Model 29267 Trimline  
Memory Phone  
User’s Guide  
1. Plug the coiled cord into the jack on the handset.  
2. Plug the long straight line cord into a modular wall telephone jack.  
3. Set the RINGER switch on the base to HI.  
The following special messages indicate the status of a message or the unit:  
This telephone system meets FCC standards for Hearing Aid Compatibility.  
Before you store a telephone number in memory, make sure the dialing  
mode is correctly set for the type of service you have. The default dialing  
mode is tone (touch-tone), so if you have pulse (rotary) service, you must first  
change the dialing mode. See “To Set the Dial Mode.”  
The caller memory is empty.  
UNKNOWN CALLER Indicates incoming call is from an area not serviced by  
Licensed under US Patent 6,427,009.  
Exit Setup  
CID or the CID information was not sent.  
= HI - Sound will be loudest.  
= LOW - Sound will be lower.  
= OFF - Telephone will not ring.  
4. Place the handset in the cradle.  
NOTE: The unit is properly installed if you pick up the handset  
and hear the dial tone. Otherwise, recheck all the installation  
To exit the setup mode, select the EXIT SETUP menu and press the options  
Battery power level is low. Please replace the batteries as soon  
as possible in order to maintain Caller ID operation.  
Storing Frequently Called Numbers  
1. Pick up the handset.  
2. Press the store button.  
3. Push the desired memory location button. (0-9)  
4. Press the store button.  
5. Use the handset number keys to enter the telephone number (up to 16-  
digits) and press the store button.  
6. Hang up the handset.  
NOTE: If you make a mistake, use the delete button to delete  
wrong digits.  
REMINDER: The time and date is programmed automatically  
when the first Caller ID record is successfully received after  
the unit is setup.  
The incoming caller is registered as “Private Number” and Caller  
ID information is withheld.  
You are at the beginning or the end of the Caller ID  
memory log.  
Telephone Basics  
If you subscribe to Call Waiting Caller ID Service, this icon  
flashes when you receive a call while you are on the phone.  
Adjusting the Volume  
Wall Mount Installation  
You may control the listening level with the VOLUME switch, which has three  
Your telephone may also be mounted on a wall plate (not included).  
Troubleshooting Tips  
NOTE: To prevent the handset from falling out of the cradle  
while the phone is hanging on the wall, you must reverse the  
handset hook (located on the base).  
1. Push the handset hook up and out with your  
thumb, turn it over, and replace it in the slot on  
the base.  
2. Feed the line cord through the groove and  
wrap the cord around the track on the bottom  
of the base.  
3. Feed the line cord through the groove on the  
opposite side of the track, and plug the end  
into the modular telephone jack.  
It remains at the last level set until you change it.  
No dial tone.  
Changing a Stored Number  
Your telephone is designed to give you flexibility in use and high quality  
performance. To get the most from your new telephone, we suggest that you  
take a few minutes right now to read through this instruction manual.  
• Check all cabling to make sure that all connections are secure and not damaged.  
• Check the hook switch: Does it fully extend when handset is lifted from cradle?  
No display  
• Replace batteries.  
• Make sure the batteries are properly installed.  
No information is shown after the phone rings  
• In order to receive Caller ID records, you must subscribe to the standard name and  
number Caller ID service available through your local telephone company.  
• Be sure to wait until the second ring before answering.  
Phone does not ring  
Redialing a Number  
Repeat the storage sequence above. The new number replaces the old  
number at the memory location.  
If you want to call the last number you dialed again (up to 32 digits), use the  
redial feature.  
CAUTION: When using telephone equipment, there are  
basic safety instructions that should always be followed.  
with this product and save them for future reference.  
1. Pick up the handset.  
2. Press the redial button.  
3. The last number called is automatically redialed.  
Erasing a Stored Number  
1. Pick up the handset.  
2. Press the store button.  
3. Press the memory location (0-9) to be erased.  
4. Press delete for three seconds until the number in the display is erased.  
5. Hang up the handset.  
Using One Touch Redial  
Before You Begin  
If the last call you dialed was busy, you can redial it immediately by just  
pressing the redial button and without hanging up the handset.  
Parts Checklist  
Make sure ringer switch is set to HI.  
Dialing Frequently Called Numbers  
1. Pick up the handset and press the mem button.  
2. Press 0-9 for the memory location. The number dials automatically.  
1. Pick up the handset and press the dial button.  
2. Press the 5or 6buttons for the desired memory location.  
3. Press the dial button to dial the number.  
Make sure your package includes the following items:  
4. Slip the mounting holes (on the bottom of the  
base) over the wall plate posts and firmly slide  
the unit down into place.  
Caller ID (CID)  
• You may have too many extension phones on your line. Unplug some extension  
• Check for a dial tone. If there is no dial tone see solutions for “No dial tone.”  
Other party cannot hear you  
IMPORTANT: In order to use this unit’s Caller ID features, you  
must subscribe to either the standard Name/Number Caller  
ID Service or Call Waiting Caller ID Service. To know who is  
calling while you are on the phone, you must subscribe to Call  
Waiting Caller ID Service.  
Equipment Approval Information  
Your telephone equipment is approved for connection to the Public Switched  
Telephone Network and is in compliance with parts 15 and 68, FCC Rules and  
Regulations and the Technical Requirements for Telephone Terminal Equipment  
published by ACTA.  
Setting Up the Caller ID Menu  
IMPORTANT: Do not plug the telephone into the wall jack  
while setting up the Caller ID menu because an incoming call  
may invalidate the information not yet saved.  
1. Press the options button. SET 5OR 6appears in the display.  
2. Press either REVIEW up or down button to scroll among the 7 menu  
screens, which are:  
• Make sure phone cord is securely plugged in.  
• Make sure extension phones are on the hook at the same time you’re using the  
phone. It is normal for the volume to drop when additional extension phones are  
used at the same time.  
This unit receives and displays information transmitted by your local phone  
company. This information can include the phone number, date, and time; or  
the name, phone number, date, and time.  
Notification to the Local Telephone Company  
On the bottom of this equipment is a label indicating, among other information, the US number  
and Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for the equipment. You must, upon request, provide this  
information to your telephone company.  
Cannot dial out  
1. Press dial button while the handset is still in the cradle.  
2. Press the 5or 6buttons for the desired memory location, lift the handset  
and the number dials automatically.  
• Make sure the T/P dialing mode is set to the type of phone service you are  
subscribed to.  
New calls  
Current time  
Current date  
The REN is useful in determining the number of devices you may connect to your  
telephone line and still have all of these devices ring when your telephone number  
is called. In most (but not all) areas, the sum of the RENs of all devices connected  
to one line should not exceed 5. To be certain of the number of devices you may  
connect to your line as determined by the REN, you should contact your local  
telephone company.  
A plug and jack used to connect this equipment to the premises wiring and  
telephone network must comply with the applicable FCC Part 68 rules and  
requirements adopted by the ACTA. A compliant telephone cord and modular  
plug is provided with this product. It is designed to be connected to a compatible  
modular jack that is also compliant. See installation instructions for details.  
• SET 5OR 6  
Reviewing Numbers Stored in Memory  
• Local Area Code (default - - -)  
• Regional AC’s-1 (default - - - - - - - - -)  
• CID LANGUAGE (default English)  
• SELECT CONTRAST (default 3)  
• T/P DIAL MODE (default tone)  
NOTE: You may press dial anytime to exit the Caller ID Set Up  
menu. If no buttons are pressed within 10 seconds, the phone  
automatically exists the Caller ID Set Up menu and displays  
If trouble is experienced with this equipment, for repair or warranty information, please  
contact customer service at 1-800-448-0329. If the equipment is causing harm to the  
telephone network, the telephone company may request that you disconnect the equipment  
until the problem is resolved.  
1. Press the mem button.  
2. Press 0-9 for the memory location. The number shows on the display.  
Wall plate  
Copy Caller ID Memory to User Memory  
Telephone Jack Requirements  
This product may be serviced only by the manufacturer or its authorized service agents.  
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Thomson Inc. could void the user’s  
authority to operate this product. For instructions on how to obtain service, refer to the  
warranty included in this guide or call customer service at 1-800-448-0329.  
1. Pickup the handset.  
To use this phone, you need an RJ11C type modular  
telephone jack, which might look like the one pictured  
here, installed in your home. If you don’t have a  
modular jack, call your local phone company to find out  
how to get one installed.  
2. Press the 5or 6buttons to display the number you want to copy.  
3. Press the store button.  
4. Press 0-9 for the memory location. The display flashes if the memory  
location is occupied.  
5. Press the store button twice to replace the new information with the old,  
or press the 5or 6buttons to select an empty location. The number is  
automatically stored.  
line jack  
Or refer inquiries to:  
Thomson Inc.  
Manager, Consumer Relations  
PO Box 1976  
Caller ID number  
• This equipment may not be used on coin service provided by the telephone  
• Party lines are subject to state tariffs, and therefore, you may not be able to use  
your own telephone equipment if you are on a party line. Check with your local  
telephone company.  
• Notice must be given to the telephone company upon permanent disconnection of  
your telephone from your line.  
• If your home has specially wired alarm equipment connected to the telephone line,  
ensure the installation of this product does not disable your alarm equipment. If you  
have questions about what will disable alarm equipment, consult your telephone  
company or a qualified installer.  
Caller ID name  
Important Installation Information  
Receiving CID Records  
Local Area Code  
• Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.  
Indianapolis, IN 46206  
When you receive a call, the Caller ID information is transmitted between the  
first and second ring. The Caller ID information appears on the display while  
the phone rings, giving you a chance to monitor the information and decide  
whether or not to answer the call.  
The telephone uses the programmed area code to determine the number  
format to display when a valid Caller ID signal is received. It is also used for  
the Dialback feature.  
Attach your sales receipt to the booklet for future reference or jot down the date this  
product was purchased or received as a gift. This information will be valuable if service  
should be required during the warranty period.  
Purchase date ____________________________________________  
Name of store _______________________________________________  
• Never install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack is  
specifically designed for wet locations.  
• Never touch non-insulated telephone wires or terminals, unless the  
telephone line has been disconnected at the network interface.  
• Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.  
• Temporarily disconnect any equipment connected to the phone such as  
faxes, other phones, or modems.  
6. Press the flash button or hook switch to exit.  
NOTE: It is important that you format CID records correctly  
BEFORE storing in internal memory as you cannot reformat  
CID records stored in memory.  
1. Press the options button. SET 5OR 6appears in the display.  
2. Press the 5button until LOCAL AREA CODE:_ _ _ appears in the display.  
3. To enter or change the area code, press the options button. The display  
shows the area code stored in memory. The left-most digit, or a minus  
sign (-) flashes, indicating the unit is ready to accept the area code entry.  
4. Use the touch-tone pad to enter your 3-digit area code.  
NOTE: If you make a mistake, you can simply repeat the  
previous steps until your area code is set.  
5. Press options to store the area code and return to the LOCAL AREA CODE  
Storing CID Records (In CID Memory)  
Copy Redial Memory to User Memory  
If you are not at home or cannot answer, your telephone’s Caller ID memory  
stores the data for the 50 most recent calls you received so you can see who  
called while you were unavailable. When the 51st call is received, the oldest  
Caller ID record (1st call) is automatically deleted.  
Limited Warranty  
1. Pickup the handset.  
What your warranty covers:  
US Number is located on the cabinet bottom.  
REN Number is located on the cabinet bottom.  
• Defects in materials or workmanship.  
For how long after your purchase:  
• One year, from date of purchase.  
(The warranty period for rental units begins with the first rental or 45 days from date of  
shipment to the rental firm, whichever comes first.)  
2. Press store.  
Handset Layout  
3. Press 0-9 for the memory location. The display flashes if the memory  
location is occupied. Press the 5or 6buttons to select a different  
location. The display flashes if the memory location is occupied.  
4. Press the store button again to confirm.  
5. Press the redial button, and then press the store button again.  
6. Press the flash button or the hook switch to exit.  
Rights of the Telephone Company  
You may review the stored information at any time. Calls received since your  
last review show as NEW in the display. .  
Should your equipment cause trouble on your line which may harm the telephone  
network, the telephone company shall, where practicable, notify you that  
temporary discontinuance of service may be required. Where prior notice is not  
practicable and the circumstances warrant such action, the telephone company  
may temporarily discontinue service immediately. In case of such temporary  
discontinuance, the telephone company must: (1) promptly notify you of such  
temporary discontinuance; (2) afford you the opportunity to correct the situation;  
and (3) inform you of your right to bring a complaint to the Commission pursuant to  
procedures set forth in Subpart E of Part 68, FCC Rules and Regulations.  
The telephone company may make changes in its communications facilities,  
equipment, operations or procedures where such action is required in the  
operation of its business and not inconsistent with FCC Rules and Regulations. If  
these changes are expected to affect the use or performance of your telephone  
equipment, the telephone company must give you adequate notice, in writing, to  
allow you to maintain uninterrupted service.  
Reviewing CID Records  
What we will do:  
• Press either the 5or 6 down button to view the newest call record.  
• Provide you with a new or, at our option, a refurbished unit. The exchange unit is under  
warranty for the remainder of the original product’s warranty period.  
How you get service:  
• Properly pack your unit. Include any cables, etc., which were originally provided with the  
product. We recommend using the original carton and packing materials.  
• ”Proof of purchase in the form of a bill of sale or receipted invoice which is evidence that  
the product is within the warranty period, must be presented to obtain warranty service.”  
For rental firms, proof of first rental is also required. Also print your name and address  
and a description of the defect. Send via standard UPS or its equivalent to:  
• Press the 6button to scroll through the call records from the most  
recent to the oldest.  
• Press the 5button to scroll through the call records from the oldest to  
the newest.  
• When all of the messages have been viewed, START/END appears in the  
Regional Area Codes for 10-Digit Dialing  
Storing a Pause in Memory  
Like the Local Area Code, the telephone uses the programmed area codes  
to determine the number format to display when a valid Caller ID signal  
is received. Calls that match any of the programmed regional area codes  
are displayed as 10 digits. This is helpful in areas that have multiple or  
overlapping area codes and require 10-digit dialing.  
The redial button has dual functionality. It becomes a pause button if the  
store button is pressed first. It is valid only when storing a number into  
memory. Use the redial button to insert a pause when a delay is needed  
in an automatic dialing sequence. For example, when you must dial a 9 to  
get an outside line, or when you enter codes to access your long distance  
1. Press the options button. SET 5OR 6appears in the display.  
2. Press the 5button until REGIONAL AC’S-1: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ shows in the  
3. To enter or change the area code, press the options button. The display  
shows the area code stored in memory. The left-most digit, or minus sign  
(-), flashes, indicating the unit is ready to accept the area code entry.  
Deleting CID Records  
Thomson Inc.  
11721 B Alameda Ave.  
Socorro, Texas 79927  
• To delete the record showing in the display, press the delete button once.  
You may need to adjust the length of the pause. It can be adjusted from 1 to  
9 seconds. The default setting is 4 seconds.  
1. Pickup the handset.  
2. Press the store button.  
3. Press the redial button.  
4. Press 1-9 (1 = 1 second, 2 = 2 seconds, etc.)  
5. Press store again.  
6. Press the flash button or the hook switch to exit.  
• To delete all records while reviewing, press and hold the delete button  
until ERASE ALL? shows in the display then press the delete button again  
to confirm.  
• Pay any charges billed to you by the Exchange Center for service not covered by the  
• Insure your shipment for loss or damage. Thomson Inc. accepts no liability in case of  
damage or loss.  
• A new or refurbished unit will be shipped to you freight prepaid.  
What your warranty does not cover:  
• Customer instruction. (Your Owner’s Manual provides information regarding operating  
instructions and user controls. Any additional information, should be obtained from your  
• Installation and setup service adjustments.  
• Batteries.  
Interference Information  
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the  
following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference; and (2)  
This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may  
cause undesired operation.  
Dialing Back  
4. Use the touch-tone pad to enter your 3-digit area code.  
When reviewing Caller ID records, you may dialback the phone numbers  
shown on the display by pressing the dial button.  
5. Press the options button again to enter the next three-digit regional  
area code and repeat step 4 until all the REGIONAL AC’S-1 (RAC#1) and  
REGIONAL AC’S-2 (RAC#1) are entered. A total of 6 sets of Regional Area  
Codes may be entered.  
6. Press the options button to store the setting and return to the REGIONAL  
AREA CODE display.  
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B  
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to  
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.  
Installing the Phone  
Installing the Batteries  
If you programmed your local area code in the setup menu  
1. Use the 5and 6buttons to scroll to the number you want to dial.  
• If you see a number with 7 digits (i.e. 555-1234), then the call was  
received from within your area code. However, this does not guarantee  
the call is a local call.  
• If you see a number with 11 digits (i.e. 1-234-555-1234), then the call  
received was not from your area code.  
2. Press the dial button and the display shows PICKUP or ADJ. A 10 second  
timer also starts in the upper right side of the display, letting you know  
the time remaining until the unit returns to the display. If you adjust the  
number to be dialed, the timer automatically resets itself.  
3. To adjust the phone number, press the dial button. For instance, a 7-digit  
local number sometimes cannot be dialed because it requires a 10-digit  
or 11-digit format. Press the dial button repeatedly to scroll through the 7,  
10, and 11-digit numbers.  
Chain Dialing  
IMPORTANT: You will have approximately 60 seconds to  
replace the batteries before the memories stored in the  
handset are lost. Please read the instructions before  
replacing the batteries and have the batteries ready to be  
inserted beforehand. As a precaution, you may want to write  
down any stored information you do not want erased.  
Privacy of Communications may not be ensured when using this product.  
This process allows you to dial a succession of stored numbers from  
separate memory locations. This is useful when you must dial several  
sequences of numbers, such as with frequent calls via a telephone company  
long distance provider.  
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if  
not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful  
interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that  
interference will not occur in a particular installation.  
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,  
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged  
to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna (that is, the antenna for radio or  
television that is “receiving” the interference).  
• Reorient or relocate and increase the separation between the telecommunications  
equipment and receiving antenna.  
7. Press dial to exit.  
• Damage from misuse or neglect.  
• Products which have been modified or incorporated into other products.  
• Products purchased or serviced outside the USA.  
• Acts of nature, such as but not limited to lightning damage.  
CID Language  
This setting allows you to display Caller ID display prompt messages in  
English, French or Spanish.  
For example  
Memory location  
Your Caller ID phone uses 4 AA-size alkaline batteries for receiving and  
storing Caller ID records and for the numbers you use for memory dialing.  
1. If the telephone line cord is connected, disconnect it from the wall.  
2. Use a ballpoint pen or other tool to open the battery compartment door.  
Local access number of long distance company  
Authorization code (ID)  
Product Registration:  
1. Press the options button. SET 5OR 6appears in the display.  
2. Press the 5button until CID LANGUAGE appears in the display.  
3. Press the options button to show the current language setting. The default  
is English.  
4. Press the 5or 6button to change the language.  
5. Press options to store the language and return to the CID LANGUAGE  
• Please complete and mail the Product Registration Card packed with your unit. It will  
make it easier to contact you should it ever be necessary. The return of the card is not  
required for warranty coverage.  
Long distance phone number  
1. Pick up the handset.  
Limitation of Warranty:  
• The warranty stated above is the only warranty applicable to this product. All other  
warranties, express or implied (including all implied warranties of merchantability or  
fitness for a particular purpose) are hereby disclaimed. No verbal or written information  
given by Thomson Inc., its agents, or employees shall create a guaranty or in any way  
increase the scope of this warranty.  
• Repair or replacement as provided under this warranty is the exclusive remedy of the  
consumer. Thomson Inc. shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages  
resulting from the use of this product or arising out of any breach of any express or  
implied warranty on this product. This disclaimer of warranties and limited warranty  
are governed by the laws of the state of Indiana. Except to the extent prohibited by  
applicable law, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose  
on this product is limited to the applicable warranty period set forth above.  
2. Press mem button, then press number “6” for the memory location.  
3. When you hear the access tone, press the mem button, and then press “7”.  
4. At the next access tone, press the mem button and then “8”.  
5. The number dials automatically.  
• Connect the telecommunications equipment into an outlet on a circuit different  
from that to which the receiving antenna is connected.  
Battery compartment  
If these measures do not eliminate the interference, please consult your dealer or an  
experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. Also, the Federal  
Communications Commission has prepared a helpful booklet, “How To Identify and  
Resolve Radio/TV Interference Problems.” This booklet is available from the U.S.  
Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Please specify stock number  
004-000-00345-4 when ordering copies.  
7-digit telephone number (i.e. 555-5555)  
3-digit area code + 7-digit telephone number (i.e.  
Select Contrast  
Using Flash  
This adjustment allows you to adjust the contrast of the display.  
1. Press the options button until SET 5OR 6appears.  
2. Press the 5button until SELECT CONTRAST appears in the display.  
long distance code 1 + 3-digit area code + 7-digit  
telephone number (i.e. 1-425-555-5555)  
This feature is used to activate customer calling services available through  
your local phone company, such as Call Waiting. These services generally  
require an extra monthly fee. If you subscribe to any of these services, please  
refer to the phone company’s instructions on how to use flash.  
4. To dial the displayed number, pick up the handset before the timer  
reaches 0. NOW DIALING shows in the display and the number is dialed.  
If you did not program your local area code in the setup menu  
1. Use the 5and 6buttons to display the number you want to dial. You will  
only see 10-digit numbers (i.e. 234-555-1234).  
Notice: The changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible  
for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  
3. Press the options button to show the current contrast setting. There are 5  
levels of contrast, with the default set to 3.  
4. To decrease the contrast, press 6. To increase the contrast,  
press 5.  
5. Press the options button to store the contrast setting and return to the  
To answer an incoming call while having a conversation:  
• After you hear the Call Waiting tone, press and release the flash button.  
The first call is placed on hold while the second call can be answered.  
To return to your first call and put the second call on hold:  
• Press and release the flash button again. The first call can continue while  
the second call is put on hold.  
How state law relates to this warranty:  
• Some states do not allow the exclusion nor limitation of incidental or consequential  
damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts so the above limitations or  
exclusions may not apply to you.  
• This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you also may have other rights that vary  
from state to state.  
If you purchased your product outside the USA:  
• This warranty does not apply. Contact your dealer for warranty information.  
3. Insert 4 AA-size alkaline batteries (not included) as shown on the diagram  
inside the compartment.  
4. Replace the battery compartment door.  
5. Re-attach the line cord to the wall and check your memory locations. If  
installation takes longer than 90 seconds, you may need to re-enter your  
memory locations.  
IMPORTANT: If you’re not going to use the telephone for more  
than 30 days, remove the batteries because they can leak and  
damage the unit.  
2. See steps 2 through 4 in the above section to complete the dialback  
T/P Dial Mode  
NOTE: IF PICKUP PHONE shows on the display, no other  
changes to the number can be made. The information sent  
from the telephone company is known to be a valid number to  
dial back (available only in limited areas). Once you pickup the  
phone, the number is automatically dialed.  
This adjustment allows you to select tone (touch-tone) or pulse (rotary)  
Using Temporary Tone Dialing  
If you have pulse service, you can temporarily change from pulse to tone  
service. After dialing the telephone number, press and release the *TONE  
button on the telephone. This allows access to phone services that require  
a tone, such as banking and long-distance services. After you hang up the  
handset, the telephone automatically returns to pulse service.  
Thomson Inc.  
1. Press the options button until SET 5OR 6appears.  
2. Press the 5button until T/P DIAL MODE appears in the display.  
3. Press the options button to show the current dial mode. The default is set  
to tone.  
10330 North Meridian St.  
Indianapolis, IN 46290-1024  
© 2007 Thomson Inc.  
Trademark(s) ® Registered  
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Model 29267B  
16258160 (Rev. 3 Dom E/S)  
Printed in China  

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